ECM All-in-One dust collector is a highly compact deduster
Air flow
0 – 2.500 m3/h -
-5 – +5 kPa -
Ex Protection
0 - 1 * -
1 – 3 OEB
* 1 - MIE>3 mJ / 2 - St1@MIE>3 mJ / 3 - St2@MIE<3 mJ / 4 - Hybrid mixtures
The ECM All-in-One dust collector is a highly compact deduster
It dedusts close to the point of dust occurrence in API solids processing as well as solid dosage form processing. It is amenable to varying patterns of spread out overall dedusting system lay-outs. It is available in stainless steel housing and other materials.
Z oddajo podatkov preko kontaktnega obrazca potrjujete, da ste seznanjeni z namenom in pravili varovanja osebnih podatkov. V podjetju TRM Filter vam zagotavljamo, da bomo tukaj zbrane osebne podatke uporabili izključno za namen posredovanja odgovora in bomo z njimi ravnali skladno z veljavno zakonodajo in našimi Pravili varstva zasebnosti.
Maximized efficiency in spread – out processes with several and potentially varying sources of dust occurrence are realized by configurable functionality of the ECM. It ultimately stems from disseminating either secondary filter and/or fan to centralized positions. The ECM dust collector can be upgraded through-out its life-time, with HEPA or AC secondary filters and fans.